Mann öffnet Deckel von dem zusammengestellten Spirituskocher CS1000ST.

Shopping Guide

Find the right product for you!

Get a quick overview of our range. If you're not quite sure which product suits you best, you've come to the right place. Because we want to give you a recommendation in just a few steps. Simply click through the questions in the individual shopping guides and get a selection of items that best suit your needs.

Shopping Guide Food Jugs

With our Esbit food jugs, you have refreshments ready at hand on the go. Thanks to their reliable insulation, they keep your food hot or cold for longer.

Shopping Guide Cooksets

With our cooksets, you are independent in the great outdoors and can cook a meal on the go. We offer cooksets for solid fuel or with alcohol burner.

Shpooing Guide Accessories

We are constantly expanding our range of accessories. Find the right spare part for your Esbit product.