Adventure Tips

#MyEsbitStory At Esbit, we share your passion for the outdoors and the desire to get the most out of your adventures, whether you're an experienced outdoor enthusiast or just taking your first steps into the world of outdoor adventures - you've come to the right place. Our blog offers you practical tips, exciting travel reports and delicious recipes for your adventures and everyday life.

Be inspired. Welcome to the Esbit blog!

Esbit BBQ Blumenkohl-Grill-Spieß

Outdoor BBQ: recipes and ideas

Our folding charcoal grill is perfect for outdoor BBQs. Discover delicious BBQ recipes with vegetables from etepetete vegetable boxes.
Esbit isolierte Trinkflasche in grün, 750 ml mit Eistee beim Picknick

Infused drinks – the refreshment for the summer

Refreshment on the go: Infused drinks! Fruits, herbs and spices give your water a special touch. Easy to prepare & ideal for summer.
Esbit Mehrweg-Holzkohlegrill aus Edelstahl beim Campen

We are ready for the festival season

Experience live bands, favorite music and unforgettable moments at upcoming festivals - with homemade food.
Esbit MAJORIS Thermobehälter in Edelstahl, 400 ml auf Schreibtisch

ChatGPT in interview: What’s in store for the outdoor industry?

Discover the outdoor trends - ChatGPT in an interview with Esbit. From sustainability to vanlife!
Esbit Spirituskocher mit Wärmetauscher aus hartanodisiertem Aluminium 2350 ml beim Kochen von One-Pot-Pasta

Heading for the next big adventure with our one-pot-pasta-recipe

Discover outdoor cuisine with the CS2350WN: Uncomplicated one-pot pasta for up to 4 people. Cooking fun with a practical alcohol cooking set with heat exchanger!
Esbit Topf aus hartanodisiertem Aluminium, 1200 ml im Rucksack

On to the next backpacking tour

Discover the best Esbit tips for backpacking! Find out how to optimally distribute the weight and save space.
Esbit MAJORIS Isolierflasche in Schwarz 750 ml im Schnee am Gipfel

6 tips on how to survive the cold better

Thanks to these tips, you don't have to miss out on your outdoor adventure even in cold temperatures.

Esbit SCULPTOR Thermobehälter in Rot 750 ml bei Pause in Natur

The Zero Waste Challenge – 10 ideas for an environmentally aware adventure

There are now a variety of actions and tips to reduce plastic consumption in everyday life. We have 10 tips to help you make your next outdoor adventure as waste-free as possible.

Esbit Kochset mit Spiritusbrenner 985 ml aus hartanodisiertem Aluminium mit Couscous-Salat

5 simple dishes if hunger strikes during the day

5 quick recipes for on the go: Savory couscous, sweet couscous, Mie noodles, mashed potatoes, cereal porridge with fruit. Simple and delicious!
Esbit Mehrweg-Holzkohlegrill aus Edelstahl beim Grillen von Aubergine

It’s summer, and its barbecue time – 9 tips to make your BBQ a total success

Time to get the barbie out. Here are 9 unusual tips to help you kick off the barbecue season.
Esbit MAJORIS Trinkflasche in Grün 1000 ml bei Pause in der Natur

6 tips on how to manage to drink enough water

If you, like many others, find it difficult to achieve your water goals, we have the right challenge for you!
Esbit SCULPTOR isolierte Trinkflasche 750 ml Rot beim Wandern

Adventure unplugged: 4 tips for a phone-free outdoor experience

The smartphone has now become your indispensable companion, not only in everyday life, but also and especially on vacation? We have four tips for a cell phone-free outdoor experience.